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Thread: Merc's Next Move

  1. #1

    Default Merc's Next Move

    With Yamaha launching their lighter weight 4.2L V6 300hp four stroke what does Mercury have up its sleeve next? any word on a 350 verado with a knock sensor and longer warranty? or a 400 verado?

  2. #2

    Default Re: Merc's Next Move

    Ryan, I wish I could report otherwise, but like most other marine companies, Merc is holding off on anything new still and just trying to hold on; esp. at it concerns a revamped 350V or a new 400hp Verado.

    It will be interesting to see when the new 300 Yamaha comes out and we get some real #s on these motors; if the Yams have a better performance and mpg, maybe Merc will do something if the 300 Yam starts eating away at 300 Vs sales. I was on the the 31T w/ the new 300 Yams at the Miami boat show and, being a previous 300 V owner, I was impressed with the power and midrange kick the Yam had. The mpg was impressive as well. I think we were doing 40mph and getting like 2.2 (Jeff if you read this correct me if I'm wrong) and when the driver punched it at 40mph we all had to be holding on as it was a nice thrust of power.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Merc's Next Move

    I think a 350 xs or a 400 Verado would be a good start.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Merc's Next Move

    If the Yami is as strong as the tests show it will no doubt eat away at 300V sales.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Merc's Next Move

    a 350xs would be sweet but too damn loud for everyday use...don't get me wrong i love the sound of a 2 stroke but not for everyday...400 vrod would be awesome if they can keep the lowers together like they have the 350 verados.

    Hector, what did you see top end on the 31T with the 300 yams? and was it just a 31T or 31ST as i know the steps have to make quite a bit of difference in the speed and efficiency.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Merc's Next Move

    Quote Originally Posted by Filet and Release
    a 350xs would be sweet but too damn loud for everyday use...don't get me wrong i love the sound of a 2 stroke but not for everyday...400 vrod would be awesome if they can keep the lowers together like they have the 350 verados.

    Hector, what did you see top end on the 31T with the 300 yams? and was it just a 31T or 31ST as i know the steps have to make quite a bit of difference in the speed and efficiency.
    It was a 31ST and we saw 64.5 top speed. Boat was very efficient, cruise was 40 doing like 2.2 mpg.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Key West

    Default Re: Merc's Next Move

    That doesn't seem that impressive. My uncle has a 2008 31T with 300v's and it hits 62mph on the gps with a light load. I thought the step hull was worth 5-10mph??

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